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25 ideas for getting the automotive business back into drive. Why not take a look and see how many of the concepts you might borrow for use as VBRs to contact the car dealers on your client list?
Some of my favorites...#5 Why geckos can't solve the problemAs powerful as advertising and marketing are, they're not going to save the American car industry. What the industry needs is a vision. Tell us why we should want your cars. If you can't figure out what makes your product special, then it's probably not special. When you do have something to say, market the hell out of it.
#8 Urban OutfittersCar-free living is the car dealer's worst nightmare, but it also may be their greatest opportunity to reinvent themselves.
The auto industry could reframe itself as a transportation industry in the same way some of the oil companies have started talking about themselves as energy companies. What events or features could car companies sponsor? "Imagine a young professional driving her GM car from her suburban home to a well-maintained train station, taking her GM collapsible bike from the trunk, boarding the GM train to the city, unfolding the bike in 15 seconds, and riding to work," says the director of the National Center for Bicycling and Walking. "Now is the time."