Sunday, August 27, 2006

Secrets of the Male Shopper

Great article in this past week's BWOnline on the topic of targeted males in your marketing. Advertising to men falls into more than the two cliched columns of the Metrosexual (fashion and 'product' obsessed) and the Retrosexual (sports and beer obsessed) -- they only account for about 5% of the male population on either side of the spectrum.

Here's how you reach the rest.


  • Appeal to their inner-geek
    Think Dyson vacuums and Bugaboo's new stroller
  • Allow for Advertiser-Activism
    Today's males want to interact with their brands -- Just look at all the parody ads on YouTube
  • Not just Quick-Buyers -- They are Browsers
    Men under 35 shop more like their sisters than their grandfathers
  • Provide Content Camouflage
    Men's Health, Stuff, and Maxim -- all male mags, BUT -- two in every five pages pitch products. They are masks for men to shop without opening themselves to ridicule from their beer-buddies
  • Make 'em Comfortable
    Most men might feel a bit out of place at salons and unisex spas -- but add alcohol and ESPN while they wait in queue for their pedicures and manicures, call it a "Grooming Lounge", and you just might have a $4-million dollar business like Washington DC's Michael Gilman and Pirooz Sarshar