Thirty-five percent of internet users claim to have posted online content, according to Pew Internet & American Life Project's report "Home Broadband Adoption 2006."
Other findings:
- 8% of all internet users surveyed have created/work on an online journal/blog
- 14% have created/work on their own web page
- 13% have created/work on web pages or blogs for others (friends, work, etc.)
- 26% have shared something online that they created -- including artwork, photos, stories, or videos
- 37% of men and 32% of women surveyed were content creators
- Content creators included 43% of 18- to 29-year-olds, 36% of 30- to 49-year-olds, 29% of 50- to 64-year-olds, and 18% of those 65 and over.
Twenty percent of online advertisers are ready to test viral marketing in vehicles such as blogs this year, though the majority of consumers (69%) don't trust the product information found on social media sites, according to a recent Jupiter Research report. The report contends, that Consumers are twice as likely to trust information they find on a company or professional review site.
Other findings:
- After viewing an online ad, consumers are three times more likely to simply research the product using a search engine than to forward the ad to a friend
- 52% of online advertisers attempting it this year are new to viral marketing
- 71% hope to increase brand awareness with viral campaigns
- 54% expect to drive online sales with online viral marketing
- 44% expect to drive offline sales with online viral marketing
- The stat saying Consumers are twice as likely to trust information found on a review site fits perfectly with the function of a readio station website.
- Check out the age of 'content creators' -- 36% of 30-49 years olds, and 29% of 50-64 year olds -- Those are pretty good percentages of our respective audience that can be reach through online marketing components of campaigns run on Mix 97.1 and 1460 The Fan.